About Us | Heart of Missouri Farms 660-433-2541

About Us

Cattle have always been my passion.  As a kid my dad and I raised Polled Herefords and later Simmentals. 

Richard and kate

In 1977 my wife Kathryn and I began breeding registered Red Angus cattle on our farm in central Missouri.  Through the decades we have always aimed to raise cattle that are balanced in traits and avoid extremes; fads have never been a part of this herd. Today our herd is composed of traditional Red Angus bloodlines with several different outcross lines incorporated. Our cattle are selected for our environment which is primarily fescue grass.  We select for:

  • calving ease
  • growth
  • milk production
  • disposition

familyWhen we aren’t checking cattle we can be found spending time with our three daughters, son-in-laws, and four grandchildren. boys

If you are ever in the Heart of Missouri country we invite you to stop in visit the farm and take a look at our cattle.
~Richard & Kathryn Williams

Breeders of Quality Red Angus Cattle Since 1977